An Answer for the Future from the Past

Martin Luther King Jr.’s rules for his organization members:

  1. Meditate daily on the teachings and life of Jesus.
  2. Walk and talk in the manner of love.
  3. Observe with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy.

What if we all lived these three simple rules out in our life?  It could be life-changing.allyouneedislove.morguefile.com20140711_193118morguefile

Mother Teresa at age 83, at the National Day of Prayer Breakfast, with the Clintons, said;

“If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other?….Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.”

“America has become a selfish nation, in danger of losing the proper meaning of love. “Give until it hurts.”  Proof of this is abortion.”

“Life or death-love or rejection.  It is not a personal attack, it is just fact, plain and simple.”

Henri J.M. Nouwen in his book, In the Name of Jesus says;

“To live a life that is not dominated by the desire to be relevant but is instead safely anchored in the knowledge of God’s first love, we have to be mystics.  A mystic is a person whose identity is deeply rooted in God’s first love.”

Words of wisdom I have collected over the years.  Seems appropriate for today with all the new talking about a mans right to stand or sit at our National Anthem during a game.  Seems like to me our priorities are turned upside down.

The important right I have is to believe or not believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Trusting He is still on His Throne and in charge.

Oh, I know man has place many other rights out there for us, some good for us some not,  but the most important to me is to not offend my God and to follow Him as closely as I can.

I guess that makes me a mystic according to Nouwen.  I think it makes me a smart human.



Author: shelleybea12153

New to blogging, but have been doing Women's Interest like Bible Study for over 26 years now. Married, three boys, 5 grandkids. Love God's Word and helping Women discover the power in Jesus' name by getting together with them often. Monthly meeting called Seasoned Sisters.

One thought on “An Answer for the Future from the Past”

  1. Thanks Dawn for helping me again. I thought if the name was on the pic that told you it was there photo so I could use it. When I do download a picture I do add morguefile to the jpg name. I went in and changed all the IStock photos that I had. thanks


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