God’s Will

Michael talked with God often. They seemed to have a good relationship until this point in Chapter 5 and now in 6 when he started questioning God and doubting himself.

“Lord, you said to do Your Will and I am trying. But does it have to hurt much?”

I know how Michael feels. I can’t tell you the times when I definitely know I am in God’s Will. Often with it comes painful humbling, resentful repentance, not sure why, If He loved me; would He make me crawl like this?

I did it but wasn’t always happy about it.

Michael left Angel in Pair-a-Dice physically but he couldn’t get her off his mind.

That’s how it feels when God is asking you to step up and do what He says. You know in your heart He never lets you down and it always works out when you follow His Will. Yet you hold back, you rebel, you postpone. I have anyway, how about you?

He was hesitant to go back but He followed God’s Will.

I am so glad Michael went back and listened to God’s nudging. Michael said to Angel as he carried her out of her room at the Palace: broken, black and blue, barely alive:

 “I want to marry you before we get out of town.”  What choice did she have?   Angel said,  ” I would marry Satan himself if that will get me out of the Palace…   By the way, my name isn’t Mara. It’s Angel.”

His face hardened.

“Angel was a prostitute in Pair-a-Dice, she doesn’t exist anymore. You are my Wife .”

Ever wanted to change your name?

Sometimes my friends and I would change our names but more to escape. But here in our story, Angel is getting a new chance at a new life if only she could see it. Right now she still hurts and needs Michael help to do things but soon she will get her own place and get out of the business.

Michael had left all of Angels things when they left. She had nothing. He said he would provide all she needed. Our heavenly Father tells us that. Are we satisfied knowing that?

Are we like Angel as we say with a forced smile,

“I will forever be grateful for this bounty” mocking Michael as he gives her his sisters old clothes to wear.

Angel doesn’t know a thing about Michael, farming, doing chores or cooking. Michael with such patience is trying to teach her. I just can’t help seeing over and over the Fathers Love for us as Michael loves the wife God gave him.

How sad that Angel thought the only think “right” she could do was offer pleasure to satisfy Michael. That was all she knew how to do. It wasn’t working though.

Yet Michael was in love with her without a sexual component.

I have been there. Being the life of the party I was very popular in more ways than I care to share. I eventually realized that they only wanted me in the bedroom not to take home to mom or go on nice places. It took me several years to figure that out. All my teenage life actually.

I hope Angel sees Michaels true love for her and God as we read the next 5 chapters together.

Don’t forget to “Follow” me so you won’t miss out on a post and reply with your comments too, as we continue to read Redeeming Love.

ps. thanks for your patience as I have finally worked most of the bugs out on this blog.

Am I going too fast or too slow?  Let me know where you are in the book.

Author: shelleybea12153

New to blogging, but have been doing Women's Interest like Bible Study for over 26 years now. Married, three boys, 5 grandkids. Love God's Word and helping Women discover the power in Jesus' name by getting together with them often. Monthly meeting called Seasoned Sisters.

4 thoughts on “God’s Will”

  1. I see Michael as a true gift from God and That he is willing to do ANY Thing the Lord asks no matter what the pain. He accepts every situation no matter now painful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I admire him greatly. I relate mostly to Angel. I have hurt like she does in the story. I just love how the writer can capture the moment that leaves me thinking all day wondering what Michael or Angel are doing today. I’m not liking Paul at this time in the book.
      I am deliberately slowing myself down not reading too fast so that I can meditate on what God is saying to me as I read about his Redeeming Love.
      Glad you are ready Deb. Missed you at Seasoned Sisters.


  2. I know how Michael feels. I believe that I am doing God’s will but I don’t understand why. It is painful and humbling. I just have to pray and wait to see where God is going to take me like Michael is waiting at this point in the story to see why God made him fall in love the first time he saw Angel.


    1. So glad to hear you are listening to the book with us. Yes you are being tested but I feel that I can see Gods hand in your life. You have changed over the past year. I see a more confident woman who is faithfully resting in Gods everlasting arms.


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